Saturday, November 20, 2010

Well...that went fast

I just got in a game against the new Dark Eldar.  Man was it wonky!  I played using my new modified Valhallan Immortals.  Here is the list:

MotF-conversion beamer, bike
Khan- bike

Dreadnought- 2x TL autocannons
Dreadnought- 2x TL autocannons
Dreadnought- 2x TL autocannons

5 bikes-2 bolter, 2 melta, 1 fist
5 bikes-2 bolter, 2 melta, 1 fist
5 bikes-2 bolter, 2 melta, 1 fist

Multi-melta attack bike
Multi-melta attack bike
Multi-melta attack bike

Ironclad- flamer, melta, HK missile, pod
Ironclad- flamer, melta, HK missile, pod
Ironclad- flamer, melta,  pod

He took:

Asdrubal Vect

Haemonculus (With Incubi #1)-Splinter Pistol and Animus Vite, Gnarlskin

8 Incubi- raider, flickerfields, night shields

10 Wracks- acolith, raider with flickerfields
10 Wracks- acolith, raider with flickerfields
10 Wracks- acolith, raider with flickerfields
10 Wracks- acolith, raider with flickerfields
9 Wracks- acolith, raider with flickerfields
9 Wracks- acolith, raider with flickerfields

Ravager- 3x dark lances, flickerfields, nightshields
Ravager- 3x dark lances, flickerfields, nightshields
Void Raven- 2x void lances, 1x void mine

I had no idea what I might be getting into with this type of army.  I have had a cursory look through the new codex, but can't say I know a ton about the army.  Suffice it to say that I figured I would be in for a learning experience.

If you look at the pictures, you can see the layout.  All woods were difficult and gave infantry a 4+ cover.  The hills with woods also gave vehicles cover. 

We rolled annihilation and pitched battle and my opponent won the turn.  He basically spread his forces across his table edge (the bottom).

I put my MotF behind the hill in my upper righthand corner and put my rifleman on the hill in the woods for cover so that they would be able to shoot from turn 1 (if they survived).

Turn 1
My opponent moved everything up to shoot except the ravagers who moved flatout to get cover.  Everything proceeded to shoot....and either failed to hit my dreads or I passed cover.  The trees were very thick on their hill.

I in turn dropped two ironclads behind his lines in my turn 1.  You can see where they landed in the picture below.  In my shooting phase, the MotF had moved around the hill and opened up on the far right raider. His aim was dead on and he exploded it (thank you opened topped!).  I didn't kill anything, but that was one less raider to worry about.  My right most ironclad opened up on the next raider and exploded it! This killed 3 models from the unit in the raider who eventually failed morale and ran for the table edge.  this also killed a few models out of the squad to the right, but they passed morale. My other ironclad wasn't so lucky and my riflemen, though resilient didn't wound anything.

Turn 2
My opponent knew he was in trouble with those ironclads, so he spread out his forces a bit.  I think he made a big mistake here because he turned both ravagers, the void raven, and a raider to face my central ironclad.  I think he decided to focus too much firepower on it making the remaining portions of his army less productive.  Reliably, the ironclad died.  You can see the crater where he stood just north of the central drop pod.  He also did something odd.  He ran his unit that was falling back causing them to run off the board.  I questioned him and he said that they would have died anyway.  Seems like kind of a waste.  They would have taken my ironclad away from the bulk of his force if they had stayed on the board.

In my turn, I got in two bike squads and an attack bike.  I opened up everywhere but the only significant damage came as follows.  The black bike squad killed a few wracks and were ready to assault them.  The ironclad managed to immobilize the raider he was near.  The MotF immobilized the raider next to the ravager and the riflemen had just opened up 1 raider in the center and had gotten a explodes! result on the raider next to it when my opponent called the game.  Sure, he was busted up, but I thought it was pretty premature.  My plans for the rest of the turn were to use the black rifleman to shoot the right raider.  If he wasn't successful, my ironclad was going to assault into it.  My teal bikes were ready to assault the ravager in front of them and my black bikes were in position to assault the wracks in front of them. 

The way I see it, he was right in that he would have had an immensely hard game going uphill for the rest of the time, but he would have still had a mobile raider, ravager and void raven.  They could have started either picking off bikes or going after my dreads.  I am pretty sure my MotF would be dead the next turn unless he missed with a dark lance.  It was a gamble I was willing to take as if my MotF had popped that raider, he would have been in some serious trouble. 

As it stood, I still had khan+squad, an ironclad, and 2 attack bikes still to come in, so I think I would have pulled out an easy win here based on what happened. 

The map below is the game when my opponent called it.  The raider in the central wood next to the brown squad had just exploded. 

This was a fun game, but I think I may have an army that really can do bad things to DE.  I will have to try a few more games before I pass judgment with certainty, but their AV10 or 11 and open topped status really sucks when you bring a lot of long ranged heavy weapons to the board. 

Any thoughts?  I think my opponent was unlucky for the most part.  We didn't really play much of a game for him to make mistakes besides focusing too much fire on the single ironclad.  What do you see?

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