Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Support Heroes of Armageddon

Last year when the Storm Warden project hit the interwebs, I was totally blown away that the 40k community responded in a huge way to raise $16,000 for Doctors Without Borders.  Now the crew that brought you that charity, is going bigger than ever. 

This year's big project is the Heroes of Armageddon.  The gist is that four modellers: Dave Taylor, Jawaballs, Goatboy, and Madboy Genius are creating four 3,000 point armies modelled from participants involved in the 3rd war for Armageddon.  They are then raffling off chances to win one of the armies.  There are even some Golden Daemon winners pitching in to paint models.  This thing is huge AND it's for a good cause.  This is something that gets me stoked as I see it as a good chance for good people to do a good thing.  That's a lot of good.  So, check out the links below for more information from each of the big players involved. 

Dave Taylor


Madboy Genius


The Official HoA Blog

Get behind this cause as it has a ton of potential.  I know I will.

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